Thursday, 7 May 2020

MIT2020 - Meeting May 7th - Impact on my thinking/planning

I was really looking forward to this meeting - a great opportunity to catch up with fellow MITers and hear where they were at with their design projects AND to get some much needed feedback to guide the next steps for my own project.

REFLECTIONS:  During COVID lockdown, I got to see my prototype in action and embrace the mantra, Fail Fast, Fail Forward!  Over the month of April, I got to road test a digital tool designed to help students build and maintain connections with each other during a period where there would be no face to face contact with teachers or their peers. 

My experiment has run its course and now,  I am left with lots of questions - what exactly was the connection, if any, that students achieved during the Taha Challenge experience? Is this 'connection' to their peers what I need to be focusing on to prepare? Should I be focussing more on developing the 'self-management' part of the toolkit of my project challenge?

NEXT STEPS: I need to go back to the drawing board - do some more ruminating - connect with my support team and figure out how to progress.

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