Monday, 25 March 2019

How do you RATE your teaching practice?

Today's staff PD session led by Dorothy Burt was a timely reminder that effective teachers are THE key component in achieving success in the classroom.  The world of digital learning offers many bells and whistles but nothing can replace what a competent teacher body can bring to the classroom.

Dorothy introduced us to the RATE framework. I found it very useful to breakdown how I can access EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTISE and continue my own personal journey to develop my teaching skillset.

R = RECOGNISE Effective Practice by seeking out out teaching practices that work. We got to see this in action at the end of our PD session with staff split into groups, role playing a guided reading session with a focus on a specific element of the NZ Curriculum (Reading, Level 2) with a 'teacher'  supporting 'students' to overcome decoding challenges. Lots of great ideas on display!

A = AMPLIFY Effective Practise by using the Learn-Create-Share pedagogy. Staying connected to other educators through our networks, keeping good practice visible, feeling empowered to get out and put different ideas into practise and taking advantage of colleagues skills and experiences at at time and place that suits (ubiquitous) e.g. online toolkits

T = TURBOCHARGE Effective Practise by using digital technologies to provide learning experiences that were previously not possible (SAMR model) or were not available 



  1. Kia ora Kiriwai,
    What a great idea - RATE my teaching practice. I agree we need to breakdown what we do as teachers so as to be able to reflect on what we do and to get better as well as to share the good parts with others.

    1. Kia ora Maria - thanks so much for your feedback! This PD session really was a great opportunity for sharing the 'good parts' of teaching, in person. I enjoyed seeing many of the seasoned educators among our staff in action - lots of nuggets and tips to strengthen my own teaching practice!
      Nga mihi, Kiriwai

  2. Hi Kiriwai, thank you for sharing such a succinct and thoughtful reflection around the staff meeting. I totally agree with you about how important it is to reflect and think about the effectiveness of our own teaching practice. It can sometimes be daunting and challenging "RATE-ing" our own practice, but so worth it right? At the heart of it, Teaching as Inquiry starts with us! Ngā mihi nui, Gerhard :)

    1. Kia ora Gerhard - you are so right - yes it is quite daunting and a challenge to reflect on/RATE our own practise, but absolutely worth it. It was great seeing a few of our seasoned educators in action -a real gift that gave me a good nudge to think what I could take away and implement right now to improve how I teach reading.
      Ngā mihi nui, Kiriwai

  3. Kia ora Kiriwai, awesome connections you have made with the acronym for our Learn focus this term and the importance of recognising effective practice...RATE my practice. Great connection with Teaching as Inquiry too and what we do as teachers that makes the difference.

  4. Kia ora Fiona - I really enjoyed Dorothy's session and found the RATE framework very helpful. Seeing my more experienced colleagues in action was a real treat - lots of 'a-ha' moments to inspire me to look at my own practise and tie in with my current Teaching as Inquiry focus - watch out Term 2!
    Ngā mihi nui, Kiriwai

  5. Great to be able to share this with our DFI today Kiriwai when we focussed on Learn / Ako.
    Thanks again :)
