Monday, 10 December 2018

End of Year Reflection for 2018

As the end of 2018 draws to an end, I am pleased with the progress I have made in the following areas:
Success with Year 7 student flagged as student with high behavioural needs (on Autism spectrum). I have worked hard to build a strong positive relationship with him. This effort has paid off as he has been willing to talk through incidents as they happen and take on board advice on how to improve his decision making should a similar situation arise in the future. As a result he is much more reflective and better able to take more ownership of his part in ‘incidents’ and can recognise with minimal prompting how he could have handled a given situation better.

Developing self-confidence as classroom teacher - Due to maternity leave by two colleagues in Term 1 and Term 2, I found myself to be the 2nd longest serving member in Team 5. I have enjoyed supporting the interim Team Leader and new colleagues in the Team 5 space.

Embracing new DMIC maths pedagogy - I have really enjoyed taking part in the PD, having the observations/mentoring sessions and analysing/deconstructing my maths teaching practice. It has given me a greater appreciation for the vast content knowledge that is needed in order to do a decent job in guiding students in their maths learning.

Now looking forward to 2019, a few things that excite me having:

A fresh opportunity work on routines and transitions to improve behaviour management - my intention is start from Day 1/Week 1 with a strong focus on establishing group norms for my home class, literacy and maths classes.

Being able to get more time in class to tweak my teaching practice especially in Writing. Figuring out creative ways to engage students in writing. I would like to move away from formulaic checklists and somehow get students to respond more instinctively to writing prompt

Improve how I gather/analyse formative assessment as well as being more reflective of my planning and including differentiation.

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