It seems a mighty long time since we are first gathered at Kuaotuna in late February that is 9 months and 2 lockdowns ago!
My next steps:
- Update content (videos, site pages) on Get Ready site for 2021 using feedback from colleagues and students
- Continue to reach out to the local high school and leverage the learning I have gained from designing Get Ready! site and attempt to bring my original achievement objective to fruition i.e. develop a digital tool to assist with Year 8 transition to high school
What could I have done differently?
Woulda (With 20/20 hindsight)
- Identified AND met with a larger group of key stakeholders at local high school from start of 2020;
- Done thorough inventory of the resources/programmes the local high school currently uses for Year 9 transition
- Focused on Year 8s exclusively from the start of the year - for feedback
- Identify gaps/opportunities to develop resources further or create new tool from scratch
Shoulda (Woulda but circumstances made it challenging to do)
- Had better lead times for student surveys to get as much feedback as possible,
Coulda (Should have but didn't!)
- Met with/interviewed Year 9 deans at other Manaiakalani High Schools to find out how they handle Year 9 transition.
Thank you to Dorothy, Matt and Jenny for supporting us all through this MIT experience - what a journey for us especially in a year that COVID threw a spanner in the works many times over! Thanks for the opportunity to explore digital solutions to a range of issues that are impacting student achievement.